
Employee Training Courses on Topics such as: Process Engineering for Sewage Sludge Treatment  and Mechanical Dewatering Systems

Audience: Engineers, Operating Personnel of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Plant Operators and Specialist Companies


Mitarbeiterschulungen u. a. zum Thema: Verfahrenstechnik der Klärschlammentwässerung

Zielgruppe: Ingenieure, Betriebspersonal der Kläranlagen, Anlagenbetreiber und Fachfirmen

  • The training can take place over one or two days. The one-day course consists of five teaching units and the two-day course consists of seven teaching units.
  • In combination with an operating data analysis, track for optimum operation are identified and explained to the team.
  • Training documents are provided for the participants.
  • It is possible to adapt the course content to your specialization.
  • The training can also be presented in English.

Possible Contents of the Training Program:

  • importance of the lime-carbonic acid equilibrium for the sludge flocs
  • the basics of sludge treatment
  • basics of sewage sludge stabilization
  • precipitation & flocculation processes
  • sludge thickening and dewatering
  • parameters for mechanical dewatering
  • effect of process engineering on the dewaterability of sewage sludge
  • influence of phosphate elimination on the dewatering behavior
  • process for sewage sludge disintegration and thermal hydrolysis processes
  • vacuum degassing to reduce GHG and improve sludge dewatering
  • operational processes for optimizing sludge dewatering
  • procedures to reduce and handle filamentous bacteria and bulking sludge
  • evaluation and discussion of operating data

Training programs with adapted training content are possible!