We will take care of your sludge!
Technical Expertise and Consultations Worldwide.

Dr.-Ing. B. Julia Kopp



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Team KB Kopp

Lisa Kösters

Master of Engineering


+49 5174 922- 043

Elke Drescher

Technical Assistance


+49 5174 922- 043

Your sludge handled professionally.

Competent and Independent Technical Consulting for Sewage Sludge Treatment

Since 2001, we have been advising and assessing sewage sludge and finding suitable solutions together with and for Waste Water Treatment Plants.

DS(A) KBKopp

Determine the achievable dewatering result based on the free water content.

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Dewatering Model

Comparison of dewaterability and the operationally
achieved dewatering result.


Sludge Analysis

Measurements, required to assess sludge stability, polymer demand, dewaterability and flocstructure.

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Operating Data Analysis

Solutions are developed on the basis of mass balances and technical wastewater values.

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Struvite Precipitation

Struvite can be specifically precipitated to reduce GHG emissions and improve the dewatering result.

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Get your team up to speed with individual company workshops on the topics of: Wastewater treatment, filamentous bacteria and sewage sludge treatment.

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Dr.-Ing. Julia B. Kopp

Hintere Str. 10; D-38268 Lengede, Germany

Mobile: +49 171 496 40 66

Phone: +49 5174 922 043

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